Thursday, September 16, 2010

Features: Omar Alexander

Feast your eyes on one of the most colorful stylists we know!  Omar Figueroa is the kind of guy that would make you do a triple take...even in NYC!  When I first moved to here two years ago, I would see him around Union Sq and a few clubs here and there, and I would think "Who is this guy with all of this hosiery??"  It was very daring, especially in the winter, but it worked!  I got to officially meet him during a photo shoot while he was working as stylist Valissa Yoe's assistant, and I was assisting the photographer, Kareem Black. As I type this, Omar's FaceBook status update is: 

"Just wrapped Michael Kors, beautiful quintessential american collection with a twist. Chanel. Iman, jourdann dunn, Andre Leon Tally. Everyones here! Just scored free MK eyewear. Getting ready to work gottex show now. Brb."

A certified style genius and sweetheart, it is definitely a treat to share this Q&A.   


SWNYC:  When you decide to get your clothes ready for the day, do you ever think that you may be over the top and change your mind?

OMAR:  LMFAO! Sometimes! I'll be getting ready and be like "wait this is too much for today," and tone down a bit. Never because its too over the top though, I never cared what people thought or said about the way I dress. Sometimes the stares are fun.  Other times its more organic. I wake up, transform, and dash!

SWNYC:  Why are you more costume oriented as opposed to doing something safe and mainstream? 

OMAR:  I wouldn't say my aesthetic is costume. It's theatrical at times, conceptual, sexy, and fun! I do  use elements of costume though, and sometimes channel different eras, characters and beings. Why play it safe?? Fashion is FUN! People should have more fun with their wardrobe! Though I do have clients that prefer looks that are more simple, clean and chic, which I appreciate as well.

SWNYC:  Who have you worked with? 

OMAR:  Harper's Bazaar, Patricia Field,  Tokyo Diiva, Jonte', Cucu Diamantes, and Valissa Yoe. I also do production for Gucci, Vera Wang, Micheal Kors, Prada etc.

SWNYC:  What has been your best working experience? 

OMAR:  I was Head costume designer for five burlesque dancers in a show in Miami. I created the dresscode for the staff of the venue, the whole nine. The show debuted and was short lived because of budget gaps. The venue closed down and I was left being owed thousands in  backpay. But hey, that's the nature of the biz sometimes. Oftentimes clients don't pay, clothes get stolen, editorials don't get published, and photographers hoard photos of your work. But those are the experiences that make you stronger in this industry, so they are the best! 
SWNYC:  What inspires your looks?

OMAR:  Surrealism, the glamorous 80's, The Victorian era, the youthquake of the 60's, post-punk. Elsa Schiaparelli, Club kid culture, Tokyo street fashion. 

SWNYC:  Where do you see yourself in the next 2 years?

OMAR:  Who knows what the future will hold, but I hope to get my line " Nostalgia," in more stores and in further development. Currently its being sold at the Old Hollywood Moxie boutique at the LimeLight Market Place in Manhattan and in Brooklyn. 

SWNYC:  What do you love about NYC?

OMAR:  Omg! What don't I love about New York! I've been living here for 6 years and I don't see myself moving anywhere, ever! It's the epicenter of the world, and home to all things amazing! 

Omar with Isis from America's Next Top Model.


  1. Love this!!!! I love how daring & carefree Omar is! His fashion speaks to me! Besides fashion can never be too over the top, its a way of life & I only hope to live it just as freely and FABULOUSLY as Omar does :)

  2. Omar is such a sweetheart! This man never misses the bulls eye when aiming at his fashion target.
    Thanks for styling me in Harper's Bazaar!



  3. Omar you have transformed yourself in to a force to be reckoned with, you are no doubt a person with the taste of fashion. You've come a long way toots and look great doing it! Yours truly....... Julez Saint laurent

  4. Thank you guys so much for all of your kind words! and streetwalkers for the feature! <333333333
