Since the late nineties Nick Alan has been crafting a style and aesthetic all his own, centered on a modern appeal, classic lines and a clean tailored fit. A self-trained artist, Nick Alan single-handedly designs his line with patience and an eye for detail passed down through generations.
In the past decade he has fine-tuned his ideas and techniques by listening to his inner thought process, making him a more self-aware artist. Nick Alan is very careful not to study current trends or other designers, so that his intentions and ideas are solely his. He designs for the sheer joy of creating, exploring his thoughts and dreams while designing clothing and jewelry that make his clients feel comfortable and attractive.
Here's the Q&A we had with Nick Alan...enjoy!
SWNYC: What got you into designing? In the past decade he has fine-tuned his ideas and techniques by listening to his inner thought process, making him a more self-aware artist. Nick Alan is very careful not to study current trends or other designers, so that his intentions and ideas are solely his. He designs for the sheer joy of creating, exploring his thoughts and dreams while designing clothing and jewelry that make his clients feel comfortable and attractive.
Here's the Q&A we had with Nick Alan...enjoy!
NICK: I started sewing at a young age. My parents owned an upholstery shop, so at the age of 7 I started learning how to sew. Later I helped out by sewing "piping" for furniture. It was an old cast iron "Singer" sewing machine with a leather belt and foot peddle. I started pretty raw. But it made me the skilled craftsman I am today!
SWNYC: What was your first official piece?
NICK: I used to make all of my own clothes that I would wear to school. I had a pretty crazy wardrobe and I used my school like a runway. (i wasn't getting anything else out of it, so I made the best of it!)
SWNYC: What moves you to create?
NICK: My dreams and visions drive me. I see things in my head that I can only express by physically creating them and wearing them. Once I create something and put it out in the universe, it's overwhelming, the reaction and positive feedback that I get. That drives me even more. It makes me realize that this is what I was meant to do.
SWNYC: Where do you see Nick Alan International in the future?
NICK: Everywhere! My main goal with my company is to branch out eventually, opening stores all over the world, that I can run as I see fit. I want to build a company where the employees actually feel appreciated and respected. I know it seems like a side step away from actual fashion design, but customer service and the proper treatment of people is very high on my list. Working retail for so many years made me really see how ridiculous company policies can be. I won't mention names... but I have worked for my fare share of huge companies, where all the decisions are made by someone who has never once stepped foot in a retail workers shoes. It's a very sensitive topic for me. I just don't feel that it is right to put so much pressure on an employee who is severely underpaid, and forced to walk around on hard concrete floors for 8 hours a day in 3" heels. It's inhumane. I'm going to change that.
SWNYC: Name some people that you've worked with (or that have worn your pieces) and what it was like...
NICK: My first little burst of "is this is really happening," was when I saw Crystal Rose Truhart on the Janice Dickinson Modeling Agency in my clothing on national tv. It was a pretty amazing feeling. I remember calling my team and freaking out over the phone. It was a great feeling of accomplishment, as well as some great exposure on 5 consecutive episodes of the show!
NICK: Skinny Jeans, white loose t-shirt, black boots and my leather "Claw" coat. I like to keep it fairly simple... I don't wear labels. (Not that everyone else shouldn't... I depend on those people!) Dressing is such an anxiety attack for me. I know, odd considering I could make and wear anything in the world I wanted to, but It can be stressful to have all that pressure on you! So I keep it basic and I always feel ready for any situation. I guess I'm just overly sensitive to what I wear.
SWNYC: Are you from NYC?
NICK: Nope. I have lived in NY state and parts of PA my whole life but it wasnt until I last year in June that I moved to NYC. I had great success with my previous collections and I decided it was time to take on NYC! A decision I will never regret!
SWNYC: What's your stomping ground here in NYC?
NICK: Honestly, I love to be home. Working my butt off. I don't feel good unless I'm being productive! Work work work! But, on occasion I do get out. I go to see my good friend (personal friend plug!) Artem, "DJ Mess Kid" spin at Greenhouse on Monday nights. It makes me feel alive and one with the city. Seeing these great people so affected by light and sound, and all of us just letting go of the daily anxieties. No one judges, no one cares, everyone feels connected. It's a great feeling, and a good way to remember why I'm happy to be alive, in NYC, living out my dreams while I'm awake.
Be sure to check out Nick's website and get your shop on!

And here's a little teaser of his upcoming Collection:
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