Meet Jenni From Da Bronx y'all! Radio Talk Show Host/Comedian/Certified Fresh Air Inspector/Freelance Freelancer/Shet Talker lol! That's what you'll read on her business card if she happens to hand you one at a networking event. I first met JenniFDB on Cinco de Mayo at a house party thrown by a mutual friend of ours. Since then we have shared a ton of good laughs, attended many press and networking events together, and she has even had me as a guest on her 2chix1mic radio show. She is probably one of the funniest people I've met in the city thus far and is yet another multi-faceted person like so many others that us street walkers have been fortunate to meet. With that being said, I wanted to get a little off the cuff for part of our Q&A so I won't ramble on anymore and just let you get into it...
JenniFDB: I'm just a small town in a lonely world. Before comedy and radio, I was a marketing maven traveling the world producing events for clients like the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Nikon, Panasonic, and Novartis. I did voice over for radio commercials and hosted many private parties and gatherings. I also created a website dedicated to all things funny, petty and fabulous which I still write for: check it out and don't forget to hang with me every Tuesday at 9pm. Go to for more info.
SWNYC: How did you get started?
JenniFDB: I started out doing stand up comedy in NYC as a way to deal with a devastating break up, actually it wasn't that devastating but the stories I told about my ex were really funny and after several cocktails I was able to get onstage. Then I started meeting a few comedians, which lead to making guest appearances on their radio shows. Soon after, I developed the concept for 2chix1mic and have been doing the radio since November 2009.
SWNYC: What are your biggest fears?
JenniFDB: My biggest fear is wasting my time with either projects, jobs or people. I know my time is finite and valuable, so I am always trying to make the most out of it and I despise people and things that try to steal that from me. Hopefully one day I could meet a sexy vamp like Eric from True Blood and all that can change.
SWNYC: How do you motivate yourself everyday?
JenniFDB: I am my biggest critic, so my motivation is mostly internal. I have standards and goals that I set for myself weekly and lord help me if I don't measure up, I am one tough cookie. Other than that, I do it for my family.
SWNYC: Do you find people coming to you for advice more since you started doing radio? If so, what kinds?
JenniFDB: Before radio, I was always the go-to person for my friends, family and colleagues for advice. Maybe its because I have lived the lives of ten men but people always call and ask me questions, for directions, and advice on anything from relationships to sex to dating etcetera. Now that the show has a solid following, I get more people seeking my counsel on work and relationship related advice but it's all normal for me either way.
SWNYC: What is your favorite part and least favorite part of doing radio?
JenniFDB: I love entertaining and my show is just that to say the least. Each week we dissect a new topic, and because my co host and I are completely different we cover all bases and ultimately let the audience decide which chick they side with. 2chix1mic is my playground, I get to say what I want while connecting with all types of people and providing an interesting, and sometimes controversial, time for all. My least favorite part is the preperation, sourcing the topic, doing the research, finding the guests, etc. Don't confuse me, I still love it, but sometimes its two jobs and overall very hard work to manage both the talent and production roles. So email me if you have an interesting story or want to help me do my job! lol

JenniFDB: Gary Coleman's ex wife. I know that crooked hoe ruined his little life. Don't let me catch her on the street! And Street Walkers, you better call me if you ever catch her on the street!
SWNYC: Name one behavior you have that plays into a stereotype?
JenniFDB: I'm black and I love chicken. Nuff said. I am also half Jewish, but I wont go there...
SWNYC: Tell us about your last confrontation...
JenniFDB: I know this sounds bad, but hear me out. The other day I was riding in a cab and he over charged me. When he didn't give me my change, I threw a bag of chips at him and ran off.
SWNYC: What is your biggest pet peeve?
JenniFDB: Wow, you sure you got enough space for this? lol. I'm very independent, but we all need help sometimes. So I guess my biggest pet peeve is unreliable fake ass flakey people. If I need you and you say you are going to help me or do something and then you don't because of some asinine reason, I will crotch punch you. If you are a friend be a friend, and if you're a foe be a foe. Don't sit in my face and pretend to be something you are not. Fakes and flakes should steer clear cause I will read a bitch.
SWNYC: LOL okay, Now back to seriousness, Being from here what's your favorite spot(s) in New York City?
JenniFDB: Wow, that's a tough one. Besides Staten Island I love Harlem. Not new and bourgeois Harlem, but the old-school-Langston-Hughes-black-panther-Showtime-at-the-Apollo-and-full-of-cluture areas of Harlem. I just love that grass roots entrepreneur community feel. I love that I can buy a Starbucks latte and buy some incense and oils at the same address! Also, The Lenox Lounge is a great place to hang for live jazz and some of the bestest chicken wangs.
SWNYC: Being such a multi-talented individual, is there anything else coming up that we should know about or keep an eye out for?
JenniFDB: Most definitely!!! In addition to the 2chix1mic radio show and video posts I am currently writing a comical series of relationship/break-up guides. I am also developing a website for the pocket savvy New Yorker. I've also written/produced for a comedy sketch series entitled "Pull The Plug On Grandma," and those videos are being released soon. All the people invovled are extrememly talented and hilarious, so stay tuned!
Don't forget to check out Jenni From Da Bronx's websites!
To get info and listen in on the show go to:
and to follow her comedy blog go to:
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ReplyDeleteGreat interview! ;D